flutter_login | Flutter package (2024)

flutter_login | Flutter package (1)flutter_login | Flutter package (2)flutter_login | Flutter package (3)

FlutterLogin is a ready-made login/signup widget with many animation effects todemonstrate the capabilities of Flutter

flutter_login | Flutter package (4)

Installation #

Follow the install instructions here

Reference #

onSignupAuthCallbackCalled when the user hit the submit button when in sign up mode. It receives a SignupData object, with name, password and, if additionalSignUpFields is not null, the additional fields filled in by the user in a Map<String,String>
onConfirmSignupConfirmSignupCallbackCalled when the user hits the submit button when confirming signup. If not specified, signup will not be confirmed by user.
confirmSignupRequiredConfirmSignupRequiredCallbackAdditional option to decide in runtime if confirmation is required. If not specified, signup will be confirmed by user if onConfirmSignup is specified.
confirmSignupKeyboardTypeTextInputTypeThe keyboard type of the confirm signup field
onResendCodeAuthCallbackCalled when the user hits the resend code button when confirming signup. Only required when onConfirmSignup is provided.
onLoginAuthCallbackCalled when the user hit the submit button when in login mode
onRecoverPasswordRecoverCallbackCalled when the user hit the submit button when in recover password mode
onConfirmRecoverConfirmRecoverCallbackCalled when the user submits confirmation code and sets password in recover password mode. If not specified, a confirmation code will not be used to recover password.
titleStringThe large text above the login [Card], usually the app or company name. Leave the string empty or null if you want no title.
logoImageProvider or StringThe image provider or asset path string for the logo image to be displayed
messagesLoginMessagesDescribes all of the labels, text hints, button texts and other auth descriptions
themeLoginThemeFlutterLogin's theme. If not specified, it will use the default theme as shown in the demo gifs and use the colorsheme in the closest Theme widget
userTypeLoginUserTypeFlutterLogin's user type. If not specified, it will use the default user type as email
userValidatorFormFieldValidator<String>User field validating logic, add your custom validation here. The default is email validation logic. Expects to return an error message [String] to be display if validation fails or [null] if validation succeeds
validateUserImmediatelyboolShould email be validated after losing focus [true] or after form submissions [false]. Default: [false]
passwordValidatorFormFieldValidator<String>Same as userValidator but for password
onSubmitAnimationCompletedFunctionCalled after the submit animation's completed. Put your route transition logic here
logoTagStringHero tag for logo image. If not specified, it will simply fade out when changing route
titleTagStringHero tag for title text. Need to specify LoginTheme.beforeHeroFontSize and LoginTheme.afterHeroFontSize if you want different font size before and after hero animation
showDebugButtonsboolDisplay the debug buttons to quickly forward/reverse login animations. In release mode, this will be overridden to false regardless of the value passed in
hideForgotPasswordButtonboolHides the Forgot Password button if set to true
hideProvidersTitleboolHides the title above login providers if set to true. In case the providers List is empty this is uneffective, as the title is hidden anyways. The default is false
disableCustomPageTransformerboolDisables the custom transition which causes RenderBox was not laid out error. See #97 for more info.
additionalSignUpFieldsMap<String, UserFormField> Used to specify the additional form fields; the form is shown right after signin up. You can provide at most 6 additional fields.
onSwitchToAdditionalFieldsAdditionalFieldsCallbackCalled when the user switches to additional fields.
navigateBackAfterRecoveryboolNavigate back to the login page after successful recovery.
savedEmailStringPrefilled value for user field (ie. saved from previous session via other means, ie. via SharedPreferences)
savedPasswordStringPrefilled value for password field (ie. saved from previous session via other means, ie. via SharedPreferences). Will set also confirmation password in Auth class
termsOfServiceTermOfServiceList of terms of service to be listed during registration. On onSignup callback LoginData contains a list of TermOfServiceResult
children[Widget]List of widgets that can be added to the stack of the login screen. Can be used to show custom banners or logos.
scrollableboolWhen set to true, the login card becomes scrollable instead of resizing when needed.
headerWidgetWidgetA widget that can be placed on top of the loginCard.

NOTE: It is recommended that the child widget of the Hero widget should be thesame in both places. For title's hero animation use theLoginThemeHelper.loginTextStyle in the next screen to get the style of theexact text widget in the login screen. LoginThemeHelper can be accessed by addingthis line

import 'package:flutter_login/theme.dart';

LoginMessages #

userHintStringHint text of the user field [TextField] (Note: user field can be name, email or phone. For more info check: LoginUserType)
passwordHintStringHint text of the password [TextField]
confirmPasswordHintStringHint text of the confirm password [TextField]
forgotPasswordButtonStringForgot password button's label
loginButtonStringLogin button's label
signupButtonStringSignup button's label
recoverPasswordButtonStringRecover password button's label
recoverPasswordIntroStringIntro in password recovery form
recoverPasswordDescriptionStringDescription in password recovery form, shown when the onConfirmRecover callback is not provided
recoverCodePasswordDescriptionStringDescription in password recovery form, shown when the onConfirmRecover callback is provided
goBackButtonStringGo back button's label. Go back button is used to go back to to login/signup form from the recover password form
confirmPasswordErrorStringThe error message to show when the confirm password not match with the original password
recoverPasswordSuccessStringThe success message to show after submitting recover password
confirmSignupIntroStringThe intro text for the confirm signup card
confirmationCodeHintStringHint text of the confirmation code [TextField]
confirmationCodeValidationErrorStringThe error message to show if confirmation code is empty
resendCodeButtonStringResend code button's label
resendCodeSuccessStringThe success message to show after resending a confirmation code
confirmSignupButtonStringConfirm signup button's label
confirmSignupSuccessStringThe success message to show after confirming signup
confirmRecoverIntroStringThe intro text for the confirm recover password card
recoveryCodeHintStringHint text of the recovery code [TextField]
recoveryCodeValidationErrorStringThe error message to show if recovery code is empty
setPasswordButtonStringSet password button's label for password recovery
confirmRecoverSuccessStringThe success message to show after confirming recovered password
flushbarTitleErrorStringThe Flushbar title on errors
flushbarTitleSuccessStringThe Flushbar title on successes
providersTitleStringA string shown above the login Providers, defaults to or login with

LoginTheme #

primaryColorColorThe background color of major parts of the widget like the login screen and buttons
accentColorColorThe secondary color, used for title text color, loading icon, etc. Should be contrast with the [primaryColor]
errorColorColorThe color to use for [TextField] input validation errors
cardThemeCardThemeThe colors and styles used to render auth [Card]
inputThemeInputDecorationThemeDefines the appearance of all [TextField]s
buttonThemeLoginButtonThemeA theme for customizing the shape, elevation, and color of the submit button
titleStyleTextStyleText style for the big title
bodyStyleTextStyleText style for small text like the recover password description
textFieldStyleTextStyleText style for [TextField] input text
buttonStyleTextStyleText style for button text
beforeHeroFontSizedoubleDefines the font size of the title in the login screen (before the hero transition)
afterHeroFontSizedoubleDefines the font size of the title in the screen after the login screen (after the hero transition)
pageColorLightColorThe optional light background color of login screen; if provided, used for light gradient instead of primaryColor
pageColorDarkColorThe optional dark background color of login screen; if provided, used for dark gradient instead of primaryColor
footerBottomPaddingdoubleThe footer bottom Padding; defaults to 0 if not provided.
switchAuthTextColorColorThe optional color for the switch authentication text, if nothing is specified [primaryColor] is used.
logoWidthdoubleWidth of the logo where 1 is the full width of the login card. ; defaults to 0.75 if not provided.
primaryColorAsInputLabelboolSet to true if you want to use the primary color for input labels. Defaults to false.

LoginUserType #

EMAILThe User Field will be set to be email
NAMEThe User Field will be set to be username
FIRSTNAMEThe User Field will be set to be first name
LASTNAMEThe User Field will be set to be last name
PHONEThe User Field will be set to be phone
INTLPHONEThe User Field will be set to be phone with country code selection
TEXTThe User Field will be set to be text

[LoginUserType] will change how the user field [TextField] behaves. Autofills and Keyboard Type will be adjusted automatically for the type of user that you pass.

UserFormField #

keyNameStringThe identifier of the fields, it will be the key in the returned map. Please ensure this is unique, otherwise an Error will be thrown
displayNameStringThe name of the field displayed on the form. Defaults to keyName if not given
defaultValueStringThe default value of the field, if given the field will be pre-filled in with this
fieldValidatorFormFieldValidator<String>A function to validate the field. It should return null on success, or a string with the explanation of the error
iconIcon?The icon shown on the left of the field. Defaults to the user icon when not provided
userTypeLoginUserTypeThe LoginUserType of the form. The right keyboard and suggestions will be shown accordingly. Defaults to LoginUserType.user
tooltipInlineSpanAdditional description for that field

LoginProvider #

buttonWidgetUsed for Buttons for [LoginProvider] - see example uses [SignInButton] package
iconIconDataIcon that is used for a button for [LoginProvider]
labelStringThe label shown under the provider
callbackProviderAuthCallbackA Function called when the provider button is pressed. It must return null on success, or a String describing the error on failure.
providerNeedsSignUpCallbackProviderNeedsSignUpCallback?Optional. Requires that the additionalSignUpFields argument is passed to FlutterLogin. When given, this callback must return a Future<bool>. If it evaluates to true the card containing the additional signup fields is shown, right after the evaluation of callback. If not given the default behaviour is not to show the signup card.

NOTE: Both [button] and [icon] can be added to [LoginProvider], but [button] will take preference over [icon]

TermOfService #

idStringUsed only on Signup callback to identify a single Term Of service if it's optional.
mandatoryboolIf set true and term is not check when form is validate on submit, the validation error message will be shown
textStringName of Term to show.
linkUrlStringWeb url link to additional term of services info.
validationErrorMessageStringValidation error message to show.
initialValueboolSpecify if checkbox is initialized checked


termTermOfServiceContains a termOfServiceObject.
acceptedboolIndicates whether or not the term of service was selected during registration

Examples #

You can view the complete example in the example project which resulted in thegif above

Basic example #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';import 'package:flutter_login/flutter_login.dart';import 'dashboard_screen.dart';const users = { 'dribbble@gmail.com': '12345', 'hunter@gmail.com': 'hunter',};class LoginScreen extends StatelessWidget { const LoginScreen({super.key}); Duration get loginTime => const Duration(milliseconds: 2250); Future<String?> _authUser(LoginData data) { debugPrint('Name: ${data.name}, Password: ${data.password}'); return Future.delayed(loginTime).then((_) { if (!users.containsKey(data.name)) { return 'User not exists'; } if (users[data.name] != data.password) { return 'Password does not match'; } return null; }); } Future<String?> _signupUser(SignupData data) { debugPrint('Signup Name: ${data.name}, Password: ${data.password}'); return Future.delayed(loginTime).then((_) { return null; }); } Future<String> _recoverPassword(String name) { debugPrint('Name: $name'); return Future.delayed(loginTime).then((_) { if (!users.containsKey(name)) { return 'User not exists'; } return null; }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return FlutterLogin( title: 'ECORP', logo: const AssetImage('assets/images/ecorp-lightblue.png'), onLogin: _authUser, onSignup: _signupUser, onSubmitAnimationCompleted: () { Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) => const DashboardScreen(), )); }, onRecoverPassword: _recoverPassword, ); }}
flutter_login | Flutter package (5)

Basic example with sign in providers #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';import 'package:flutter_login/flutter_login.dart';import 'dashboard_screen.dart';const users = { 'dribbble@gmail.com': '12345', 'hunter@gmail.com': 'hunter',};class LoginScreen extends StatelessWidget { const LoginScreen({super.key}); Duration get loginTime => const Duration(milliseconds: 2250); Future<String?> _authUser(LoginData data) { debugPrint('Name: ${data.name}, Password: ${data.password}'); return Future.delayed(loginTime).then((_) { if (!users.containsKey(data.name)) { return 'User not exists'; } if (users[data.name] != data.password) { return 'Password does not match'; } return null; }); } Future<String?> _signupUser(SignupData data) { debugPrint('Signup Name: ${data.name}, Password: ${data.password}'); return Future.delayed(loginTime).then((_) { return null; }); } Future<String> _recoverPassword(String name) { debugPrint('Name: $name'); return Future.delayed(loginTime).then((_) { if (!users.containsKey(name)) { return 'User not exists'; } return null; }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return FlutterLogin( title: 'ECORP', logo: const AssetImage('assets/images/ecorp-lightblue.png'), onLogin: _authUser, onSignup: _signupUser, loginProviders: <LoginProvider>[ LoginProvider( icon: FontAwesomeIcons.google, label: 'Google', callback: () async { debugPrint('start google sign in'); await Future.delayed(loginTime); debugPrint('stop google sign in'); return null; }, ), LoginProvider( icon: FontAwesomeIcons.facebookF, label: 'Facebook', callback: () async { debugPrint('start facebook sign in'); await Future.delayed(loginTime); debugPrint('stop facebook sign in'); return null; }, ), LoginProvider( icon: FontAwesomeIcons.linkedinIn, callback: () async { debugPrint('start linkdin sign in'); await Future.delayed(loginTime); debugPrint('stop linkdin sign in'); return null; }, ), LoginProvider( icon: FontAwesomeIcons.githubAlt, callback: () async { debugPrint('start github sign in'); await Future.delayed(loginTime); debugPrint('stop github sign in'); return null; }, ), ], onSubmitAnimationCompleted: () { Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) => const DashboardScreen(), )); }, onRecoverPassword: _recoverPassword, ); }}
flutter_login | Flutter package (6)

Theming via ThemeData #

Login theme can be customized indectly by using ThemeData like this

// main.dartimport 'package:flutter/material.dart';import 'login_screen.dart';void main() => runApp(MyApp());class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: 'Login Demo', theme: ThemeData( primarySwatch: Colors.deepPurple, accentColor: Colors.orange, cursorColor: Colors.orange, textTheme: const TextTheme( headline3: TextStyle( fontFamily: 'OpenSans', fontSize: 45.0, color: Colors.orange, ), button: TextStyle( fontFamily: 'OpenSans', ), subtitle1: TextStyle(fontFamily: 'NotoSans'), bodyText2: TextStyle(fontFamily: 'NotoSans'), ), ), home: LoginScreen(), ); }}// login_screen.dartimport 'package:flutter/material.dart';import 'package:flutter_login/flutter_login.dart';import 'dashboard_screen.dart';class LoginScreen extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return FlutterLogin( title: 'ECORP', logo: const AssetImage('assets/images/ecorp.png'), onLogin: (_) => Future(null), onSignup: (_) => Future(null), onSubmitAnimationCompleted: () { Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) => const DashboardScreen(), )); }, onRecoverPassword: (_) => Future(null), ); }}
flutter_login | Flutter package (7)

Custom labels #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';import 'package:flutter_login/flutter_login.dart';import 'dashboard_screen.dart';class LoginScreen extends StatelessWidget { const LoginScreen({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return FlutterLogin( title: 'ECORP', logo: const AssetImage('assets/images/ecorp.png'), onLogin: (_) => Future(null), onSignup: (_) => Future(null), onSubmitAnimationCompleted: () { Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) => const DashboardScreen(), )); }, onRecoverPassword: (_) => Future(null), messages: LoginMessages( userHint: 'User', passwordHint: 'Pass', confirmPasswordHint: 'Confirm', loginButton: 'LOG IN', signupButton: 'REGISTER', forgotPasswordButton: 'Forgot huh?', recoverPasswordButton: 'HELP ME', goBackButton: 'GO BACK', confirmPasswordError: 'Not match!', recoverPasswordDescription: 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry', recoverPasswordSuccess: 'Password rescued successfully', ), ); }}
Login/SignupPassword Recovery
flutter_login | Flutter package (8)flutter_login | Flutter package (9)

Theme customization #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';import 'package:flutter_login/flutter_login.dart';import 'dashboard_screen.dart';class LoginScreen extends StatelessWidget { const LoginScreen({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { const inputBorder = BorderRadius.vertical( bottom: Radius.circular(10.0), top: Radius.circular(20.0), ); return FlutterLogin( title: 'ECORP', logo: const AssetImage('assets/images/ecorp-lightgreen.png'), onLogin: (_) => Future(null), onSignup: (_) => Future(null), onSubmitAnimationCompleted: () { Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) => const DashboardScreen(), )); }, onRecoverPassword: (_) => Future(null), theme: LoginTheme( primaryColor: Colors.teal, accentColor: Colors.yellow, errorColor: Colors.deepOrange, titleStyle: const TextStyle( color: Colors.greenAccent, fontFamily: 'Quicksand', letterSpacing: 4, ), bodyStyle: const TextStyle( fontStyle: FontStyle.italic, decoration: TextDecoration.underline, ), textFieldStyle: const TextStyle( color: Colors.orange, shadows: [Shadow(color: Colors.yellow, blurRadius: 2)], ), buttonStyle: const TextStyle( fontWeight: FontWeight.w800, color: Colors.yellow, ), cardTheme: CardTheme( color: Colors.yellow.shade100, elevation: 5, margin: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 15), shape: ContinuousRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(100.0)), ), inputTheme: InputDecorationTheme( filled: true, fillColor: Colors.purple.withOpacity(.1), contentPadding: EdgeInsets.zero, errorStyle: const TextStyle( backgroundColor: Colors.orange, color: Colors.white, ), labelStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 12), enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder( borderSide: BorderSide(color: Colors.blue.shade700, width: 4), borderRadius: inputBorder, ), focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder( borderSide: BorderSide(color: Colors.blue.shade400, width: 5), borderRadius: inputBorder, ), errorBorder: UnderlineInputBorder( borderSide: BorderSide(color: Colors.red.shade700, width: 7), borderRadius: inputBorder, ), focusedErrorBorder: UnderlineInputBorder( borderSide: BorderSide(color: Colors.red.shade400, width: 8), borderRadius: inputBorder, ), disabledBorder: const UnderlineInputBorder( borderSide: BorderSide(color: Colors.grey, width: 5), borderRadius: inputBorder, ), ), buttonTheme: LoginButtonTheme( splashColor: Colors.purple, backgroundColor: Colors.pinkAccent, highlightColor: Colors.lightGreen, elevation: 9.0, highlightElevation: 6.0, shape: BeveledRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10), ), // shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5)), // shape: CircleBorder(side: BorderSide(color: Colors.green)), // shape: ContinuousRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(55.0)), ), ), ); }}
flutter_login | Flutter package (10)

Inspiration #

License #

  • MIT License
flutter_login | Flutter package (2024)
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