Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (2024)

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Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (1)Aren’t itty bitty desserts the best?! You are going to love thisMini Banana Cream Pie Recipe, individually portioned for one, two, three bites at a time!

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (2)
Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (3)
Confession: When food is little and cute, sometimes I talk to it. …In a baby voice.

I’m sorry.

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (4)

But honestly, just look at these little guys!

Who could resist these darling little bites of sweet southern goodness?

Not me.

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (5)

My Banana Cream Pie Recipe is one of my family’s all-time favorites. Carson would have classic banana pudding with vanilla wafers for every mealif I’d let him.

So it’s no wonder we came up with a way to combine the two into tiny little treat you can pop by the handful. We call it banana pie therapy… It works for curingrainy day blues, along with all sorts of cranky ailments.

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (6)

To make thisMini Banana Cream Pie Recipe, start by popping a Mini Nilla Wafer in mini muffin pans with mini muffin liners… that’s a lot of itty bitty.

Then beat together an easy 4-ingredient pudding filling. Don’t be tempted to buy “instant banana pudding” because it tastes weird. Use vanilla pudding mix and real banana slices.

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (7)

Then pipe (or dollop) thefilling into the liners and press it down with a fresh banana slice.

Cover the tops with more filling and tap the pan to fill out the liners.

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (8)

Like so…

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (9)

Top the Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe with another slice of banana and another Mini Nilla Wafer. Then refrigerate to set.

Waiting is the hardest part of the recipe.

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (10)

Once the Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe has firmed up, you can peel off the paper liners and enjoy. You can even freeze them in the pans, then pop them in a freezer bag and save for a rainy day… or bad report card.

Let’s hope for rain.

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (11)

This pocket-sized Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe is just what you need to start off the school year on the right foot.

One tiny pie in a lunchbox will senda bigmessage of love, and two is even better.

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (12)

P.S. Feel free to use low fat cream cheese and milk, or go for the gusto and use full fat everything.

Check out this amazing classic Banana Pudding Recipe!

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (13)

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Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe

Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes minutes

Easy Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe makes cute little Banana Pudding Tarts that can be enjoyed at room temperature or frozen! Only 6 ingredients required.

Servings: 36 mini pies


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  • Place 36mini muffin liners in 2-3mini muffin pans (for 36 mini pies). Place one Mini Nilla Wafer at the bottom of each liner.

  • Using an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese with the sugar. Then slowly add in the milk and beat until smooth. Finally, very slowly beat in the instant pudding powder. Scrape the bowl and beat again for 2-3 minutes until thick and smooth.

  • Scoop the vanilla pudding mixture into a large piping bag with a wide tip. Then peel and cut the bananas into thin rounds. Pipe a dollop of pudding mixture on the bottom of each muffin liner.

  • Press a banana slice down into each muffin liner, then pipe more pudding mixture over the top. Tap the muffin pans to help the filling settle. Then place a banana slice and a Mini Nilla Wafer on top of each little pie. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours to set, then serve.


You can freeze the Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe in the pans, then store them in a large freezer bag, once solid. Thaw and enjoy!


Serving: 1g, Calories: 80kcal, Carbohydrates: 14g, Protein: 1g, Fat: 3g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Cholesterol: 4mg, Sodium: 83mg, Potassium: 74mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 8g, Vitamin A: 50IU, Vitamin C: 1.2mg, Calcium: 14mg, Iron: 0mg

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Author: Sommer Collier

Making this recipe?Follow us on Instagram and tag @ASpicyPerspective so we can share what you’re cooking!

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Dessert Retro Recipebanana cream cheese vanilla

posted by Sommer Collier on Sep 4, 2015 (last updated Dec 21, 2020)

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29 comments on “Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe”

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  1. Chelsea Lane Reply

    Love these!

  2. Pingback: Summer Potluck Recipe Roundup! - Minding The Kings

  3. Pingback: Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe – We Got Recipes

  4. Pingback: The Best Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe – Best Food Ideas

  5. chelsea Reply

    when i added the pudding mix it instantly got thick mixing it before i even had it all in the bowl. i tried adding more milk but it didnt help. hopefully the still turn out for school tomorrow.

  6. Pingback: National Pie Day: 23 Pies, Crusts & Pie Inspired Recipes

  7. Indian dog names Reply

    These look and sound absolutely fantastic!

  8. Emma Reply

    I tried to make these without an electric mixer, I would not recommend this! I’m not sure if it’s because I didn’t have a mixer or because of the pudding mix, but it set immediately and was slightly clumpy. I haven’t tasted it yet, I assume they will still taste good, but the texture is all wrong.

  9. Pingback: Easy Mini Pie Recipes

  10. Pingback: 25 Quick and Easy Mini Pie Recipes

  11. Niki Reply

    I made these and they were really good but VERY hard to eat. I made these the night before i needed them and put them in the refrigerator until the next day and the pudding made the paper cups soggy. I would recommend freezing them and eating frozen or use foil cups instead of paper. I will make them again but use the foil cups. :)

    • Nanette Reply

      Did your bananas turn dark? If not, how did you keep them looking nice?
      Also, why were they hard to eat?

  12. Pingback: Delicious Mini Tarts And Pies That Prove Size Isn’t Everything | fsilmiya

  13. Carolyn Reply

    These look delicious! I’m going to make them layered in push-pop containers for my grandson’s monkey-themed birthday party. Thanks for the great recipe!

  14. Lisa Reply

    I am not a big fan of ANY instant pudding. Is there a recipe to make these cutest little guys with REAL vanilla pudding.
    Would sooooo LOVE that.

  15. Kathleen Reply

    Mine set up faster than I could get it into the cups. I splashed a bit more milk into the mixing bowl, but it didn’t help much. Is it really 1/2 cup?

  16. Becky Reply

    Same question, doesn’t the banana slice on top turn brown?
    Do these firm up like a cheesecake?
    Can you add a little vanilla and/or nutmeg?

    • Sommer Reply

      Hi Becky! I usually make them and serve them in the same day, so the banana is not really an issue. They do firm up and you could certainly tweak the flavor to your preferences. :)

  17. Joyce Rankin Reply

    Crushed wafers on top would be great too, instead of whole cookie.

  18. Pingback: 11 Banana Recipes To Make You Peel Better

  19. Pingback: Top Drinks, Appetizers, and Desserts for a Party! | My Urban Family

  20. Vivian Pope Reply

    How do you keep the banana from turning dark? I so dislike when the banana starts turning colors and looking mushy.

    • Emme Reply

      Just came across this recipe and plan to make for Easter. Same question, how do you keep the banana from discoloring?

  21. Liz @ The Lemon Bow Reply

    Ahhh I am such a sucker for bite-sized desserts!!!

  22. Amanda Reply

    Throwing a baby shower in February for my sister – these are DEFINITELY on the menu!! Perfect AND delicious!!

  23. Maria Reply

    I love a no-bake dessert! Especially a cute bite-sized one!

  24. Heather Christo Reply

    I agree- these are baby talk cute!

  25. Julie @ Table for Two Reply

    These are so cute!!

  26. Julie @ Running in a Skirt Reply

    Oh my! I ‘m going to have to make these!!! You know how my hubby feels about banana pudding :-) I agree about the instant banana flavored pudding- yuck!

Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe (2024)


How do you keep bananas from turning dark in banana cream pie? ›

* Treat the bananas with citrus juice: Lemon, orange or pineapple juice will prevent browning. To avoid changing the flavor of the pie, you want to use as little as possible. Brush it lightly on the slices, or place the juice in a spray bottle and spritz them.

Why is my banana cream pie so runny? ›

Why is my banana cream pie filling runny? A runny filling can occur if you don't cook the filling long enough or chill the pie adequately. The key is to cook the filling over medium heat until it's thick. You must also let the pie chill for at least 2 to 3 hours to allow the filling to set properly.

What thickens a cream pie? ›

A sugar, milk and cornstarch mixture is cooked until it thickens and becomes slightly translucent (a moment that is abundantly clear if you're paying attention), egg yolks get added, and the mixture is cooked more to thicken it again.

What is banana cream pie made of? ›

😉 Seriously, though, banana cream pie combines homemade pie pastry crust, fresh bananas, vanilla custard, and fluffy whipped cream. Homemade Vanilla Custard: This is a lot like my caramelized banana pudding, only a bit sturdier so it holds a nice slice.

Will lemon juice keep bananas from turning dark? ›

Just toss your banana slices in some lemon juice to inhibit enzymatic browning. Full coverage, particularly on the cut sides, will help prevent the slices from turning brown. In addition to lemon juice, vinegar will also work.

What causes a cream pie to get watery? ›

The watery layer between the meringue and the filling (weeping) is usually caused by undercooking. This is where it is important to put your meringue onto hot filling so it can begin cooking right away.

How much cornstarch to thicken a cream pie? ›

Cornstarch imparts a glossy sheen to the liquids it thickens, so it tends to be used more in sweet sauces and pie fillings than in savory sauces and gravies. Still, it works really well, and it's easy to use: For each cup of liquid, you want to thicken, start with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch in a small bowl.

Should banana cream pie be refrigerated? ›

Should banana cream pie be refrigerated? You should definitely refrigerate banana cream pie as it is filled with dairy, which should not be left out for longer than an hour or so. Cover with a large cloche or arrange some tin foil loosely over the pie and refrigerate for up to 3 days.

What ingredient helps thicken the filling of a cream pie? ›

Some pie recipes thicken the filling with flour; others use cornstarch, while others still rely on tapioca.

What is the best thickener for pie filling? ›

Very often flour or cornstarch is used, but in certain instances tapioca, arrowroot and potato starch can also help achieve the desired consistency. Tapioca starch is preferable for products that will be frozen because it will not break down when thawed. We like tapioca in blueberry, cherry or peach pies.

How do you fix a runny banana cream pie? ›

Why is my banana cream pie filling runny? It's either your filling has too much liquid or is undercooked. If it's too much liquid, just add more cornstarch and let it cook to thicken the mixture. Or add some whipped cream to the custard mixture and whisk until you get the desired consistency.

What is banana moon pie? ›

Banana Moon Pies are made from round graham cookies with a soft gooey marshmallow filling. They are then dipped in a banana flavour coating. A delicious treat that can be enjoyed hot or cold! A full box of 12 Banana Moon Pies. These sweets are imported from America.

Does pineapple juice keep bananas from turning brown? ›

Keep cut fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas, and peaches from turning brown by: Coating them with an acidic juice such as lemon, orange, or pineapple juice. Use a commercial anti-darkening preparation with fruits, such as Fruit-Fresh®*, and follow the manufacturer's directions.

How do you keep banana puree from turning brown? ›

Sprinkle a few drops of citrus juice—lemon, lime, or orange—into the purée to slow down oxidation. The juice contains ascorbic acid which prevents oxidation.

Will bananas go brown in custard? ›

Custard should be eaten the same day because the bananas will turn brown overnight.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.